
About Me

HealthyLifeology…..The study of a “Healthy Life”. I had thought this was appropriate being that I’m desperately trying to figure this all out. There is so much information out there and it can get complicated and confusing. Being that I love to build websites on the side, I figured it would be appropriate to journal my findings here and share with others that might find it useful.

My name is Michael Anthony. I had just turned 50 this past January and ever since then, I’ve noticed changes….for the worse. First of all, do you know what ‘cheaters’ are? These are magnified glasses that help you read. Yup! I began to need those. But it was the headaches that really started to stand out. It was then that I decided to check my blood pressure. I was shocked! I figured approximately 140/90 or close to that. It was 180/114. I know I was in trouble. ………….