
Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera

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Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera

Wouldn’t it be great to have one magical plant or supplement that can be the “silver bullet” to nearly every malady? If you have been looking online, you will find that your search for this magical herb yields disappointing results.

The supplement industry these days is filled with health charlatans looking to make a quick buck. In their unsavory pursuits, they tout their supplements to be the cure-all you need. Of course, this is often untrue.

But, what if I were to tell you that such a supplement not only exists but exists in nature? Even better, what if this supplement is available and does indeed address most of your health needs.

Moringa oleifera has earned itself a spot under the microscope of scientists for its health benefits. More than its health benefits is its wide availability and safety.

What is this wonder herb that has been shown to treat inflammation and reduce cognitive decline? Read on to learn more about Moringa oleifera and its other health benefits!

Moringa Oleifera: An Overview

Moringa oleifera is a small tree that did not become popular in the United States until recently. Originating in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, Moringa oleifera was a major component of textiles. It was also prized in the region for its medicinal and agricultural properties.

When the first seedlings made their way Stateside and grew, they became known by different names. According to Medical News Today, Moringa oleifera is also:

  • Drumstick tree
  • Ben oil tree
  • Miracle tree
  • Horseradish tree

Other names depend on the region. But, the above-mentioned are the most common.

Moringa oleifera has grown in popularity among health enthusiasts and scientists due to the reported benefits of supplementing with it.

Supplements are often in powder form. However, numerous iterations of Moringa oleifera supplements have been released in capsule form for easy ingestion.

Moringa oleifera is highly resistant to drought. It is also one of the fastest-growing herbs with medicinal value. This makes Moringa oleifera not only a therapeutic herb but one that is widely accessible.

The Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera

Moringa oleifera has long grown in popularity in the West. For the longest time, the plant has been used as herbal medicine and as a supplement due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, according to Korea Science.

More research is surfacing about the added health benefits of Moringa oleifera supplementation. In detail, these benefits are:

1. An All-Around Source of Nutrition

Moringa oleifera offers a variety of micro and macronutrients. Certain parts of the plant are particularly dense in nutrients and enjoy mainstay status in the Southeast Asian and Indian diets.

As far as any plant goes, Moringa oleifera is complete in its nutritional value. Based on Health Line’s article, here are the nutritional components of the pods and leaves of Moringa oleifera:

  • Vitamin B complexes
  • Plant-based protein
  • Vitamin A
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Dietary iron

Per serving, Moringa oleifera delivers at least 9% of each nutrient mentioned. Hence, you can go a long time eating just Moringa oleifera. Many already have.

2. Keeps Hyperglycemia or High Blood Sugar at Bay

One of the most highly-touted benefits of Moringa oleifera is its anti-hyperglycemic properties. Moringa oleifera’s leaves contain many compounds found to be resourceful for blood sugar control.

Numerous findings suggest that Moringa oleifera can be a plant-based substitute for many oral anti-hyperglycemic agents like Metformin and glucagon. In a 2017 controlled trial published on PubMed, Moringa’s anti-hyperglycemic effects were tested by using methanolic extracts taken from the leaves and pods. The results were promising. The experimental group saw blood sugar levels that did not go above the 120 mg/dl threshold.

This finding, among many others, suggests that Moringa oleifera can be a healthy supplement for people with diabetes.

3. An Anti-Inflammatory Agent

If you are struggling with inflammatory conditions of any kind, supplementing with Moringa oleifera may help. Moringa oleifera is loaded with antioxidants that suppress the secretion of cytokines in the body.

Cytokines are inflammatory by-products that lead to further inflammation. By suppressing the secretion and action of cytokines, inflammation is given time to lessen and not be aggravated.

In other words, inflammation does not last long with Moringa oleifera circulating in your system. And, the science confirms it. 

In the same 2017 study published on PubMed, researchers evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of Moringa oleifera. The findings were conclusive in determining the anti-inflammatory capabilities of the plant.

4. Filled With Antioxidants

As mentioned earlier, Moringa oleifera is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant substances like quercetin contribute to the reduction of free radicals in the body. This enables the body to better fight off cancerous growths and chronic cellular stress.

Free radicals are metallic substances. These metals occur as a by-product of cellular metabolism and death from oxidative stress or cell stress.

Cell stress brings about the right conditions for chronic illnesses to develop. Some of these chronic illnesses are cancer, particularly in the prostate, based on a 2015 study.

In the brain, free radicals can contribute to the development of degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In a 2012 study published on PubMed, the correlation between free radicals and degenerative brain disorders was confirmed.

In short, you will be saving your body from the risks of inflammation and free radicals by supplementing with Moringa oleifera. Of course, adding the plant to your diet is also an excellent idea.

5. Moringa Oleifera Improves Kidney Health

Many of the problems associated with kidney health come from kidney clearance. More specifically, the kidneys become damaged as a result of too many free radicals and calcium oxalates in the bloodstream.

Not only does Moringa oleifera improve kidney clearance with its high antioxidant content. It also detoxifies the bloodstream to the point where free radicals are kept to a minimum.

This is probably why people who regularly supplement with Moringa oleifera are not predisposed to kidney failure, according to Medical News Today.

6. Improved Circulation

The anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemic, and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera give it its antihypertensive benefits.

Moringa oleifera lowers inflammation and cholesterol levels. Numerous studies have found that Moringa oleifera has compounds that reduce cholesterol. As a result, Moringa oleifera also minimizes the development of atherosclerotic plaque in the blood.

The anti-lipid effects, coupled with its anti-inflammatory properties, help promote healthy circulation, making Moringa oleifera a helpful supplement for people with hypertension.

7. Offers Protection From Infections

Lastly, Moringa oleifera is an excellent antimicrobial, capable of providing you with a layer of protection against bacteria and fungi. It can also protect you from viruses like herpes simplex.

According to Medical News Today, Moringa oleifera is particularly effective against bacteria that cause intestinal and gastric infections. In particular, it is potent against:

  • Salmonella typhi
  • Clostridium botulinum
  • Escherichia coli

Based on many studies, extracts from Moringa oleifera’s pods seem to offer the highest antimicrobial effect.

Where To Get Moringa Oleifera

Moringa oleifera is available in its purest form as a plant. If you do come across some, use the pods and the leaves to receive many of the effects in the previous section.

The problem with using Moringa oleifera in its purest form is that you might need a lot to reach the ideal dosage. According to Web MD, the recommended and safe dosage is about 70 mg per serving. You can go as high as roughly three servings of Moringa oleifera daily.

These days, the most convenient and effective way to receive the recommended dose is by taking a Moringa supplement. Moringa supplements come in either capsule or powder form.

The supplements are extracts from Moringa, meaning that what you will be taking in is a concentrated form of the plant.

To date, there are no deadly side-effects arising from the use of Moringa oleifera. However, if you are taking certain medications, you will have to check with your physician.

Moringa Oleifera and Drug Interactions

No study has conclusively demonstrated that Moringa oleifera will interact negatively with other medications. While toxicity from adverse interactions may not occur, Moringa may have a combined effect with other medications.

Since Moringa Oleifera has anti-lipid properties that aid in lowering blood pressure, you need to be careful when supplementing while on hypertensive medication. Combining the two may result in you experiencing hypotension or a sudden drop in your blood pressure.

Also, be careful when supplementing while you are on diabetic medication. The combined effects of anti-hyperglycemics and Moringa may result in low blood sugar.

Final Word

Moringa oleifera is a plant that delivers a laundry list of health benefits. With its availability and safety, it is almost a surprise that it had not received its current popularity earlier.

Moringa oleifera is an excellent supplement for overall health. You might also want to supplement with it if you suffer from any of the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Hypertension
  • Cholesterol problems
  • Recurrent stomach problems

Moringa oleifera is natural and safe. Be that as it may, it always pays to check with your physician before supplementing with Moringa or any other supplement.



